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Inside this Issue
1. Is Indian Pharma GST-Ready? interview with Sunil Attavar
The state of Indian Pharma’s readiness for the GST regime
2. The Truth About Doctors: Executive Summary by McCann Health
The Truth About Doctors, is a new global study conducted by McCann Health, in partnership with McCann Truth Central. This landmark study surveyed nearly 2,000 doctors in 16 markets
3. Leadership Begins with Self-Awareness by K. Hariram
To become the leader that you want to be, first become aware about the kind of leader you are
4. In Brand Positioning, Focus is Key to Success by Vivek Hattangadi
Too broad a focus when positioning your brand may broaden its reach, but dilute its effectiveness
5. News from Around the Web by MedicinMan

Reach out to Anup Soans: anupsoans@medicinman.net or use the social media buttons below.