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Inside this Issue
1. GUEST EDITORIAL: Generics Only – Does the Patient Benefit? by K. Hariram
How much will patients benefit from a regulation that only allows Doctors to prescribe generics?
2. Dinesh Thakur Tackles the Branded v. Generics Debate by Dinesh Thakur
This article features excerpts of a series of blogs written by well-know healthcare entrepreneur, activist and commentator, Dinesh Thakur, on the recent branded v. generics debate.
3. Quality, Not Price, is the Key Issue When Prescribing Generic Drugs in India by Anup Soans
In the absence of a standard drug regulatory mechanism, Indian doctors rely on the reputation of companies who have demonstrated their commitment to quality over time.

Reach out to Anup Soans: anupsoans@medicinman.net or use the social media buttons below.