MedicinMan November 2016
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Inside this Issue
1. Report from OPPI’s 50th Annual General Meeting by K. Hariram
OPPI’s 50th Annual General Meeting (AGM) was held on 21st October 2016 at Hotel Taj Land’s End, Mumbai.
2. The Tipping Point: Discovering New Ways to Achieve Breakthrough Sales a Book Extract from “SuperVision for the SuperWiser Front-line Manager” by Anup Soans
Pharma sales managers need to think about new and bold ways to promote their products. Here’s what science tells us about how new ideas go viral.
3. The Many Faces of Emotion and the Role They Play in Marketing by Vivek Hattangadi
Different emotions trigger different actions – a look into different emotional states and how they can be put to use in pharma marketing.
4. The Peter Principle and How to Beat It a Book Extract from “HardKnocks for the GreenHorn” by Anup Soans
The importance of preparing for the next level of your career by acquiring the requisite knowledge, skills and attitude before you get there.
6. BOOK REVIEW: “Triggers” by Marshall Goldsmith reviewed by K. Hariram
How to initiate change in personal and professional life.

Reach out to Anup Soans: anupsoans@medicinman.net or use the social media buttons below.