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Inside this Issue
1. New Product Launch: An Opportunity to Launch Your Own Career! a Book Extract from HardKnocks for the GreenHorn by Anup Soans
Product launches are tracked very closely by senior management and Medical Reps who contribute to its success can easily bring themselves to the attention of management. Here’s how to get it right.
2. The Power of Emotions in Brand Building by Vivek Hattangadi
Emotions are powerful tools in the hands of marketers to draw attention, inspire action and increase retention of customers.
3. Coaching: the Art of Creating New Possibilities by K. Hariram
Anticipation of hurdles and proactively responding to them is at the heart of sales coaching.
4. BOOK REVIEW: The Ethical Doctor an extract from the Huffington Post
A deep examination of the state of the medical profession that asks the question: “Is it possible to be an ethical doctor today?”
5. BOOK REVIEW: Dissenting Diagnosis an extract from India Medical Times
A group of ethical medical practitioners talk about their profession’s declining standards, and then invite us to join them in their efforts to arrest that decline.
6. Moral Intelligence and Leadership in Pharma a Book Extract from SuperVision for the SuperWiser Front-line Manager by Anup Soans
Moral Intelligence is like a compass or the light from a lighthouse, enabling leaders to steer organizations in all kinds of weather and create trust in their leadership.

Reach out to Anup Soans: anupsoans@medicinman.net or use the social media buttons below.