Too many Medical Reps are chasing too few doctors, and thinking that doctors have some deep-rooted memory problem and need to be constantly reminded of brand names, whether in parking lots or hospital corridors. Why would the doctor forget something that’s important to his patient’s wellbeing?

MedicinMan in association with CredoWeb has over the last year brought in top-notch pharma professionals from leading MNC and domestic pharma companies who are ahead in the digital adoption curve to speak on various aspects of digital in healthcare and all these videos are available for pharma people to view at any time of their convenience – Key Challenges Facing Pharma Industry and the Way Forward

Get in touch today with an email: anupsoans@gmail.com and anupsoans@medicinman.net

Reach out to Anup Soans: anupsoans@medicinman.net or use the social media buttons below.