Q1 Tell us about yourself and what made you start CredoWeb?
I am a medical doctor. I worked at Medical University Sofia, Bulgaria and then at High Medical School Hannover, Germany as a gastroenterologist. I have 27 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry in senior positions. Over the years I realized the importance of communication in healthcare and pharma and expanded my business in publishing. Eight years ago, having in mind the need for digitalization in the pharma industry, and the limitations of the current traditional marketing model, I founded CredoWeb.
Q.2 Do you believe that the healthcare and pharma industries are falling behind in their digital transformation and what seems to be the reason?
The digital revolution is the fourth industrial revolution. It changes models, processes and whole public sectors. In many reports you will find that, in terms of digitalization, pharma is just next to the public sector, as least digitalized. Pharma just started late. There are many reasons for that – it is one of the most regulated industries with lots of sensitive data involved and many ethical aspects. But the slowed down digitalization has a lot to do with some subjective reasons. Adopting digital technologies requires changing existing models which requires a different mindset – and this is difficult to achieve. Nowadays, in the situation of a global pandemic, we see that digital communication is not only necessary to be successful but it is a must in order to adapt to the New Normality.
Q.3 What are the challenges and advantages in adopting digital in healthcare?
Digital transformation demands leadership, persistence and adoption within all levels of the company. But it needs to come from the top, with a C-level that takes the political decision to implement and integrate digital solutions within the existing strategy of the company. Field force needs to be armed with powerful digital tools that allow them to maintain communication interactively and remotely. Pharma nowadays acts as a drug supplier. But pressure from society, government and payors requires pharma to become service-provider and offer more patient-centric solutions.
Efficacy is increased through value-added interactive digital communication and with business intelligence tools where everything can be tracked, measured and analyzed.
Q.4. What should Indian Pharma companies focus on when adopting digital?
Indian pharmaceutical market is represented by branded-generic companies with large portfolios. By adopting digital technologies companies can boost the effectiveness of the communication of launch and focus products and, at the same time, support the communication of cash cow products. All this is achieved by integrating digital activities within the traditional marketing model and by involving the field force in the process.
Q.5 Tell us about your India experience – do you have a long connect with India and what is your evaluation about this cooperation?
I have been working with Indian companies for 20 years. I have been in the country dozens of times. India changed and advanced dramatically in front of my eyes. I have wonderful relationships with many pharmaceutical companies. As far as digital projects are concerned, we have been in the Indian market for about two years now, and quite intensively for the past year. I can see the eagerness towards new technologies. And now, with the lockdown in place, the demand and need for tools for digital communication is even bigger than the one in Europe.
Who we are
CredoWeb is a digital platform that seeks to facilitate professional communication between all healthcare stakeholders and provide them with a unique online space where they can exchange knowledge, opinions and information.
Realizing the power of increasing digitalisation in healthcare, CredoWeb strives to become the world’s leading provider of digital tools, channels, and solutions that enable entirely new communication models within the healthcare industry.
What we offer:
CredoWeb is a digital personalised communication tool connecting all healthcare stakeholders. Fully compliant with all regulatory requirements, adapted to the needs of the industry, safe and easy to use. CredoWeb provides the right toolset for accurate targeting, broader reach, community listening, precise statistics and deep insights. Thus, it delivers measurable value through trust-based engagement with healthcare professionals and patients.

Reach out to Anup Soans: anupsoans@medicinman.net or use the social media buttons below.