The skill-set required by marketing managers and front-line professionals in the digital era is different.
Just as STFs were created to create a better perception and improve engagement with specialist doctors, DTF can rebuild relationships with doctors on a new premise of helping them to gain digital advantage to better manage their practice and patients.

DTF must be a team of marketing, sales, medical, training, SFE, digital experts, and others like supply chain specialists to be able to seamlessly cater to customer needs as it emerges.
Something like the highly organized and effective team of commandos, who can tackle situations as they evolve with minimum control, from someone sitting in the comfort of a ‘HO’ cabin.
DTF requires people that have a strong growth mindset and are oriented to be self-directed learners because digital literacy and fluency becomes difficult directly in proportion to the duration spent by a person in the analog world.

For details about MedicinMan 4-Module Workshop – Digital Noise to Digital Voice – http://medicinman.net/2021/10/digital-noise-to-digital-voice-a-4-module-workshop-for-pharma-people/

Reach out to Anup Soans: anupsoans@medicinman.net or use the social media buttons below.