Does Your Company Have a Well Thought-out Strategy on How to Improve Sales Force Effectiveness in the Digital World?
Most pharma companies operating in India, understand the significance of their sales force – the powerful driver of revenues. Sales force is also responsible for establishing and maintaining relationships with various stakeholders – like HCPs (doctors), retail pharmacies, distributors and in some cases, patient organizations or caregivers to patients.
Unfortunately, Pharma companies (MNC and domestic) lack a comprehensive understanding of sales organisations. Pharma companies are like The Blind Men and the Elephant – “different functions have different perspectives, leading to distinct points of view”.
Sales organisations are complex and difficult to understand and therefore, extremely challenging to lead and develop sales teams. This is why most pharma companies do not have a clear strategy on “How to Improve Sales Force Effectiveness in the Digital World”.

Smarter pharma companies have started taking active interest in doing things digitally, to enhance the experience for doctors and other stakeholders, by giving them access beyond the face to face (F2F) interface. The key to making digital engagement work – is realising what are digital’s virtues and learning to maximise them.
With no clear end in sight to the COVID-19 pandemic, the fluctuations that we have been experiencing across the healthcare treatment and delivery continuum are likely to remain. The question is, what does that mean for pharma companies and their interactions with doctors and other key stakeholders?
To know more, join Digital Excellence Pharma Academy (DEPA) – a joint initiative of MedicinMan and CredoWeb to Upskill Indian Pharma sales and marketing people at all levels from customer facing teams to business unit heads, Medical Affairs, HR, Training, SFE and other functions.
Today at 5 PM on DEPA –

Deep Bhandari is a pharma veteran and an Editorial Board Member at MedicinMan