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Healthcare Disruption – Will Ola, Swiggy, Pharmaeasy, and Hospitals Converge to Deliver Health Care on Call at Your Doorstep?

How long before digital Unicorns like Ola, Swiggy, Pharmeasy, and many others realize the humongous opportunity of delivering health care at the doorstep?

Imagine an app like Ola, where instead of entering where you want to go, you enter the nature of your medical need/emergency and search and find a range of hospitals/doctors/paramedics who can act as the first responders and reach your home in an ambulance or a motorbike with an HCP as a pillion rider with all necessary equipment from the thermometer to defibrillator depending on the nature of the medical care needed and triage and route you/your loved ones to the nearest hospital with an indicative cost of treatment in partnership with health insurance companies?

Specially Designed Case Study based Modules for Pharma Marketing Professionals

More than digitalizing your product promotions, the case calls for building and engaging your brand community through digital solutions that create memorable customer experiences.

With the new normal emerging, the traditional Pharma commercial model needs to be relooked by exploring alternative channels of engagement, which offer opportunities to create value for customers.

Company-specific digital adoption workshops to experience how a brand can be promoted using the omnichannel approach with field force involvement.

Will Omicron Wave be a Repeat Rx for Indian Pharma?

How had Indian Pharma responded to the challenges brought on by the Covid19 crisis and the inability to connect with doctors and other Rx influencers?

Is it back to business-as-usual or have some companies learned from their mistakes and become digital savvy?

How will Indian Pharma cope with the possibility of another lockdown and meeting restrictions looming in view of the rising Omicron wave?

Is Pharma’s Business Model like McDonald’s? Are Pharma Managers Graduates in Hamburgerology?

Is Pharma’s business model like McDonald’s? Doing things over & over again without innovation?

McDonald’s is famous for its Hamburger University, a training facility at the McDonald’s Corporation global headquarters in Chicago, Illinois. It instructs high-potential restaurant managers in restaurant management.

More than 5,000 students attend Hamburger University each year and over 275,000 people have graduated with a degree in Hamburgerology.

Sound familiar? Pharma’s training has been on similar lines – hire people continuously and put them through the grind of mugging up essentials of drugs for diseases that the particular company sells.

While the McDonald’s model is ideal for its business of replication, it has outlived its utility in healthcare and drug companies are in danger of being reduced to mere suppliers of drugs to new digital platform businesses unless they learn to innovate.

Indian Pharma Market October 2021 – IQVIA Report

IPM was valued at Rs. 178,219 Cr for MAT Oct’21. The retail sector was valued at Rs. 151,183 Cr for this period contributing 85% to IPM.

IPM Growth for the month of Oct’21 as compared to the month of Oct’20 was 9.7%. This is the lowest monthly growth in the last 8 months after a low growth of 2.6% reported for Feb’21.

Corresponding to low monthly growth, IPM MAT growth also declined slightly after showing a growing trend consistently for the last 7 months from MAT Feb’21. It reported 17.3% for MAT Oct’21 as compared to 17.8% reported for MAT Sept’21.

At 15657.3 Cr, the monthly sale reported for Oct’21 is the 5th highest sale value in the last 12 months.